Locomotion Dataset

14/10/2018 10:11

This dataset holds over 50 locomotive movements of people of the male and female genders, acting in neutral and stylized manners.


  • Gustavo Eggert Boehs
  • Milton Luiz Horn Vieira
  • Flavio Andalo
  • Wiliam Machado de Andrade

Publishing date: October of 2018

This data is free for use in research projects. You may include this data in commercially-sold products, but you may not resell this data directly, even in converted form. If you cite this work, please let us know by e-mailing us at gustavo [dot] boehs [at] ufsc [dot] br.


Dados Esqueleto Vicon Esqueleto CMU
male neutral bvh (zip) bvh (zip)
female neutral bvh (zip) bvh (zip)
male stylized bvh (zip) bvh (zip)
female stylized bvh (zip) bvh (zip)


This database was built using equipment funded by FINEP.

Works that cite this dataset

de Andrade W.M., Nishida J.K., Vieira M.L.H., Prim G.S., Boehs G.E. (2019) Motion Capture Automated Customized Presets. In: Karwowski W., Ahram T. (eds) Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019. IHSI 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 903. Springer, Cham

Boehs, G. and Vieira, M. (2019), Style Invariant Locomotion Classification for Character Control. Computer Graphics Forum. doi:10.1111/cgf.13590